Tips for Creating Structure in the Fall

Have you turned off or toned down your executive functioning this summer as you searched for “normal?” After our COVID-19 spring, I certainly have. My brain has needed to chill as much as possible.

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Paper Planners Support our Executive Functions during Hard Times

If there was ever a time to use a paper planner to support executive functioning, this is it. I am specifically referring to the executive functions of planning and prioritization, which I often describe

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Sustainable Change and the Brain

These have been excruciatingly painful times as we face the racial injustices in our country. Our nation is in serious need of healing on so many levels, and yet I have hope for a better tomorrow. How?

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How I’m Using Tiny Habits to Support My Executive Functions

Are you feeling more demands on your executive functions these days? You are not alone. Adjusting to sheltering in place for over a month has stretched us all thin. We try to stay sane and reasonably productive,

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Executive Function Tips in the Time of COVID-19

A little over a week ago, I had an experience that clearly indicated that my brain’s executive functions were stressed and maybe even completely offline. I was walking into my bedroom when I noticed

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Seven Tips to Reduce Anxiety in Kids

When I first created the Seeing My Time program, I was essentially teaching executive function skills, though that term didn’t really exist in the general world at the time. At first, students came

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How to Prioritize Tasks with an Executive Function Challenged Brain

I have noticed that many of my clients struggle with the executive function skill of prioritization. As they move through the day, they get stuck deciding what is the most important thing to do right now.

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How Learning for Fun Supports the Executive Functions of the Brain

I love the beginning of a New Year. It’s a marker to pause and spend some quality time developing that fundamental executive function skill of planning and prioritizing, what I refer to as “future

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‘Tis the Season to…Pause

Here’s a known yet under recognized fact: the holiday season puts a major strain on the brain’s executive functioning. Our schedules get packed with holiday events. There may be travel plans to

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Why Our Executive Functions Need Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? How about your family members? If the answer is “no,” then this message is for you. The length and quality of a person’s sleep has a direct impact on their day-to-day

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