Category Archives for Executive Functioning

12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight #9: Working Memory

Have you ever found yourself entering a room, and then pausing to ask yourself, “Why did I come in here?” This common situation is an example of the limitations of working memory, an executive function

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12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #8: Time Management

Do you constantly run out of time when you start tasks? Are you surprised when things take you a lot longer than you anticipated? If so, you are probably aware that your brain struggles with the executive

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12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #7: Sustained Attention

Sustained attention, or the ability to stay focused on a task, is an executive function that people seem to, well… focus on! Adult clients tell me that they need to improve their focus at work. Teachers

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Stress Tolerance as a New Executive Function: Musings from Marydee

When I started my business back in around 2010, it amazed me that there were no singular and agreed-upon definitions for the individual executive functions of the brain. While research and understanding

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12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #6: Mental Flexility

The sixth in our series highlighting specific executive functioning skills will focus on one not typically highlighted: flexibility. I’m not talking about yoga flexibility; I am referring to mental flexibility.

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12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #4 Prioritization

In January, many of you sat down and wrote personal goals for 2024, which is the first activity in your Seeing My Time® planner system. Identifying your goals and evaluating their achievability is the

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5 Key Ways To Support Your Brain During the Holidays: Planner Edition!

The holidays are fully upon us with all the joys, expectations, and yes, demands upon our limited time and resources. There is so much to plan for. So much to do. Sigh. December is hard on folks with executive

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5 Executive Function Tips for the Aging Brain

Last month we announced a new service for college students, helping them with their Set Up Success college planners. In response to that announcement, a dear woman I know emailed me and asked, “What

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How to Support Your Executive Functions During a Big Life Transition

Often people are divided into two categories when it comes to executive function skills: You either have them or you don’t. From my perspective that is an oversimplification because there are certain

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10 Back to School Tips for Executive Function Challenged Students

Oh August! It is still summer BUT school looms in the not-too-distant horizon. For students with executive function challenges (and their parents!) there can be an underlying anxiety about facing a new

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