Mental Flexibility and Success

Mental flexibility is an essential executive function. I crashed into my own inflexible thinking recently and was surprised because I think of myself as a pretty flexible thinker. For the time-challenged,

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Executive Funtioning Tip #15: Sleep—A Fundamental Key to Executive Functioning Success

Tip #15: Sleep The brain needs sleep. Getting enough sleep is critical for executive functioning. Typical adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. Children and adolescents do best with

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Executive Functioning Tip #14 – Exercise

To maximize your executive functioning–exercise! We all know that exercise is good for your body, but it’s also crucial for brain health. Setting a goal to exercise more is often on people’s

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A Workshop for Women—Girl, Get a Grip!

Women have a lot on their plates and, as we age, demands on time management only increase. It is easy to be stretched thin between work, family, friends, and community. Personal goals and self-care are

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Executive Functioning Tip #13 – Plan to Eat Well

Our brain, the center of our executive functioning, requires fuel. It takes energy to power our brain and that energy originates in food. That’s why I include planning menus as part of good personal

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Executive Functioning Tip #12: Restorative Time

I always tell clients that they won’t to use their time-management tools if they aren’t planning the space and time to do things that are fun, that restore your energy, your spirit, and give

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Estimating Time When Your Brain Can’t

Folks challenged by the executive functioning skill of time management really struggle with estimating how long tasks take. Since their brain doesn’t register the passage of time, they are often

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Executive Functioning Tip #11: Create Space

My time management tip for today isn’t exactly about time, it’s about the “stuff” in our lives. I firmly believe that the things we own, both in our home and work environment, takes up

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“See” Your Future…Can the Resolutions

As we all know, January is the traditional time to make a list of resolutions to improve our behavior. For those with executive functioning challenges, it may be a time to make “resolutions” to edit

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Executive Functioning Tip #10: Filing Papers so You can Find Them | Time Management Planning

For me, paper organization was the last skill I mastered as I got control of my executive functioning deficits. I found my inspiration in David Allen’s Getting Things Done.  His best advice: file alphabetically

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