Working with Multiple Children in One Family

Can you use the Seeing What I Need to Do course with more than one child from the same family at once? It depends.

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Upcoming Presentations

October 23, 2010 Association of Educational Therapists 32nd Annual Conference, Berkeley, California Title: Teaching Executive Functioning Skills: Time Management Tools for Students Time: 90 minutes Goal:

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Seeing My Time Group Course

Do your students struggle to keep track of their assignments? Is your house a maze of piles? Do you hustle and hustle and always end up late? During the Seeing My Time Group Course, Marydee Sklar will

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The Launch Pod

When dedicated professionals dream big, even the sky can’t slow us down. Professionals in the education field are already propelling Seeing My Time in a multitude of directions – thriving private

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Exhausted? A Tech Tool for Sleep Hygiene

The other day at about 2:15 in the afternoon, my twenty-year-old client’s head was drooping lower and lower to the table. He yawned and apologized, saying “I’m just so tired.”  Our session turned

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Split Families: Strategies and Tips to Support Executive Functioning and Lower Conflict

Lately I’ve been impressed by some split families who’ve come to my table to rally around their struggling child. It is inspiring to have these parents set aside their differences for the

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The Family Meeting: Four Steps for Executive Functioning Success

It is very typical for one parent in a family to be the Family Calendar Keeper, what I call the “executive functioning machine” for the whole family. By the time that family gets to my table for their

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Executive Functioning Tip #9: Tickler Files

I had never heard of a tickler file until my son introduced me to Getting Things Done by David Allen. Apparently the idea has been around a long time.  But for me, the tickler file was a revelation and

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Upcoming Presentation

Teacher in-service for staff K-12. Title: Introduction to Executive Functioning Skills Time: 2 hours Goal: To develop an understanding of the executive functioning skills of the brain and connect these

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Executive Functioning Tip #8: Paper Piles

(Tip #8 of the series 15 Tips to Support Your Brain for Good Time Management) Piles of paper haunt many people who have issues with executive functioning. For me, paper management was the last piece of

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