A Story of Executive Function: Hansel & Gretel and Working Memory

My working memory is pretty awful. It is likely that a concussion on the playground way back in early elementary school is a big factor in this executive functioning deficit. Alas, what is truly scary

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The Courage to Change

When I work with people who struggle with executive functioning deficits during Seeing My Time sessions, I am keenly aware of what they are asking of themselves. By working with me, they are taking a

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Advice for Exhausted Parents!

Being a parent is hard work; kids don’t come with directions. You bring home that little bundle of joy and you are off on a 24/7 job that lasts for years and years and years…If you have a child

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The Messy Desk

I can readily see the tempo of my life every morning when I sit down at my desk. If, like this morning, it is pretty messy, it means I have been pretty busy.  I always have got to get a grip on these

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Is Multitasking Worth It?

Our demanding world requires us to do many things in a day. There was a time when time management strategies included getting good at multitasking—doing more than one thing simultaneously. Just think

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An Inspiring 6th Grader

One of the reasons I love my work helping individuals and families with their executive functions is that I am often surprised and inspired by my client client’s responses to the prompts in their Seeing

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Keeping Track of Your Behavior to Reach Goals

An underlying theme of Seeing What I Need to Do (The Sklar Process™) is the value, the importance, of setting goals. By setting goals you maximize your productivity and your potential to live life fully.

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Anxiety and Test Taking Tips

Test anxiety freezes a student’s ability to use the executive functioning skills required to do well in testing situations. We know now that strong emotional feelings like anxiety interfere with

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Don’t Forget Fun!

A few months back I was presenting a lecture for ORBIDA, the Oregon Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, on the topic of executive functioning. I was providing an introduction to the subject

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Developing Executive Functioning in Babies

As I read Brain Rules for Babies, by John Medina, I kept sighing, wishing such a book had existed when I was a new mother. Here are the clues for developing executive functioning as you parent. This is

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