Category Archives for Executive Functioning

How Seeing My Time Changes Lives

I recently finished a group family class at a local school. We had been meeting for 7 weeks, sharing challenges, insights, and successes as we worked on improving their executive functions. It was a diverse

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Weight Loss & Executive Functioning

What does losing weight have to do with executive functioning? As it turns out, lots. For me, executive functioning is all about understanding my brain’s needs so that I have maximum control over

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Inspiration for Executive Functioning: Mind Mapping

Planning is an executive functioning skill of the brain. It affects our ability to take the actions necessary for completing multi-step goals requiring future planning. It also affects our ability to do

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A Story of Executive Function: Hansel & Gretel and Working Memory

My working memory is pretty awful. It is likely that a concussion on the playground way back in early elementary school is a big factor in this executive functioning deficit. Alas, what is truly scary

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The Courage to Change

When I work with people who struggle with executive functioning deficits during Seeing My Time sessions, I am keenly aware of what they are asking of themselves. By working with me, they are taking a

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An Inspiring 6th Grader

One of the reasons I love my work helping individuals and families with their executive functions is that I am often surprised and inspired by my client client’s responses to the prompts in their Seeing

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Developing Executive Functioning in Babies

As I read Brain Rules for Babies, by John Medina, I kept sighing, wishing such a book had existed when I was a new mother. Here are the clues for developing executive functioning as you parent. This is

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Mental Flexibility and Success

Mental flexibility is an essential executive function. I crashed into my own inflexible thinking recently and was surprised because I think of myself as a pretty flexible thinker. For the time-challenged,

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The Family Meeting: Four Steps for Executive Functioning Success

It is very typical for one parent in a family to be the Family Calendar Keeper, what I call the “executive functioning machine” for the whole family. By the time that family gets to my table for their

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Split Families: Strategies and Tips to Support Executive Functioning and Lower Conflict

Lately I’ve been impressed by some split families who’ve come to my table to rally around their struggling child. It is inspiring to have these parents set aside their differences for the

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