Tag Archives for " executive function skills "

Routines Lighten the Load for your Brain’s Executive Functioning

Many of my clients, especially those with ADHD, have such a hard time getting started in the mornings. Their internal voice is giving them a huge list of To-Dos, and whatever comes into sight around them

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Two Keys for Happier Holiday Executive Functioning

The holiday season always challenges our brain’s executive functioning. And the stress and uncertainty that 2020 has brought into our lives has only increased the demands pushing many of us to the edge

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Tips for Creating Smooth Transitions When You Struggle with Executive Functions

Do you feel out of sync returning home after a recent vacation? Or perhaps dreading the end of summer as you face heading back to school and work? Transition times like these are hard on our executive

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Reaching Your Personal Summit

Typically people reach out to me because of specific executive function challenges connected to time management and planning. Those skills are just two pieces in a constellation of executive functions

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The Joy of Teaching Executive Functions

These last two weeks of August I am working seven to eight hours a day, face-to-face, with individual families. I teach the fundamentals of the executive functions of time management and organization.

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