Tag Archives for " executive function skills "

Inspiration from a Ninth Grader

During a recent Seeing My Time Family Group Course session, it was pretty cool to hear a ninth grader say that he found it “inspirational” when students and parents shared their personal improvements

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How to Teach Executive Functions: The BCE Method

I recently watched a Learning and the Brain webinar, taught by the team of Jack Naglieri and Kathleen Kryza. The topic was, unsurprisingly, executive functioning. I confess, it took some effort to sign

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Plan A and Plan B for Your Executive Functioning

I have a ritual every year by January 1st. To support the planning and prioritizing aspect of my executive functioning, I sit down with a piece of paper, some colored pencils, and my planner. I dream big,

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My #1 Tip To Support Your Brain During the Holidays

Wow! How is it already December?? The end of the year is time to double down on supporting your brain’s executive functioning skills. The holiday season puts a lot of stress on folks, and it is so easy

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6 Strategies to Build a Solid Executive Function Foundation

As I work with clients on time management, many are overwhelmed by the demands on their lives. They feel stuck – like they are in a downward spiral. Their brains and bodies are cracking under the

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How Mentorship Supports Problem-Solving Abilities

One of the key executive functions necessary to achieve behavior change is the development of metacognition, which I define as “thinking about MY thinking.” It is a complex and rather abstract skill.

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EFS News: Retreat Time for Thinking and Dreaming

Oh summer! I just returned from an EFS retreat at the beautiful Oregon Coast with my administrative team, Kathleen and Veronica. This was our first reunion since we were all fully vaccinated, so the first

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10 Tips to Support the Brain During a Home Project

I have been thinking a lot lately about the executive functions required for the management of a home, especially related to home projects. When parents join their students for a Seeing My Time course,

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Have Hope: Executive Function Support Does Work

At 67, I tell my new Seeing My Time clients that the reason I keep working is that I’m having too much fun teaching the course to stop! It is such a joy to guide people to build their executive functioning

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How Play Can Support Your Executive Functions at Home, Work and in Life

As I look out my window at a gray Portland sky, it seems to mirror how many people are feeling in general these days. After an exhausting 2020, people are still struggling with their executive functions

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