Tag Archives for " holiday planning "

5 Key Ways To Support Your Brain During the Holidays: Planner Edition!

The holidays are fully upon us with all the joys, expectations, and yes, demands upon our limited time and resources. There is so much to plan for. So much to do. Sigh. December is hard on folks with executive

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Ten Tips for Developing Executive Function Skills in the Kitchen

For people with executive function challenges and/or ADHD, cooking a meal from scratch can feel like scaling a cliff. That’s because there are many executive functions required to make a meal! Planning

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The Importance of Checking Your Internal Weather

‘Tis the season! Winter is upon us and as usual, the hectic holiday season can easily overwhelm our executive functioning. Unless you are someone who sighs with relief when the rain returns (or you

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Plan A and Plan B for Your Executive Functioning

I have a ritual every year by January 1st. To support the planning and prioritizing aspect of my executive functioning, I sit down with a piece of paper, some colored pencils, and my planner. I dream big,

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