Category Archives for Executive Functioning Skills

Our 2017 Top Picks for Planners

Finding the perfect planner is incredibly important to support good executive functioning, but it can also take a lot of trial and error! I personally use a daily printed sheet that I created. I share

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Upcoming Workshop in NYC – Building Executive Function Skills: Time Management, Planning and Organization

I was recently asked to prepare a full day workshop in Glosterville, New York for a wonderful organization called Transitions. This program does fabulous work in their community, preparing teens and young

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The Joy of Teaching Teachers

On September first, I had a dream come true. I was given the opportunity to present to all of the middle school teachers and principals for the entire Hillsboro School District here in Oregon – something

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New Family Group Course Online Starting Soon

Over the past seven years, the Seeing My Time program has shifted and grown to accommodate the unique needs of participants, including therapists, coaches, teachers, families, adults and students alike. This

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Feeling Overwhelmed with Clutter? Try the Cleaning Piles Strategy

I recommended this strategy to my recent Seeing My Time family group class. A student went home and used the strategy right away on some piles of paper that she had lying around. Here is what she reported

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Enjoy the Struggles

After I had encouraged a father client of mine to read Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset, he reported he’d changed his morning sendoff to his children. He was no longer telling them, “Have a good day.”

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How I Tame the Bully in the Brain

People come to see me primarily for help with time management. However, I always forewarn them that for the first couple of hours of Seeing My Time, we don’t even talk about getting things done.

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Get Organized—Everything Needs a Home

Organizing is an executive function skill of the brain that many people struggle with. In Seeing My Time, I ask  a question, “What things do you keep misplacing?” Once that list is jotted down we

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Anxiety and Test Taking Tips

Test anxiety freezes a student’s ability to use the executive functioning skills required to do well in testing situations. We know now that strong emotional feelings like anxiety interfere with

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