Three Tips for a Happier Holiday Season

My staff and I took the week off for Thanksgiving, which I think will become a tradition at EFS. We all experienced some wonderful and rewarding family time. With all of that Thanksgiving feasting behind

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All Work and No Play? Sharpen the Executive Function Skill of Future Planning – for fun!

Many people struggle with planning, the “thinking-ahead” executive function skill. Caught up in the demands of their daily lives, they start to feel like life is just endless work. It makes

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The Family Meeting: Support Executive Functions

It is very typical for one parent in a family to be the Family Calendar Keeper, what I call the Executive Functioning Machine for the whole family. By the time that family gets to my table for their Seeing

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A Little Known Secret about Teaching Executive Functions

I see a lot of parents who seek help for their children’s executive function challenges. To be perfectly honest, sometimes I am more concerned about the parents than I am about the child. Let me explain. Some

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Reaching Your Personal Summit

Typically people reach out to me because of specific executive function challenges connected to time management and planning. Those skills are just two pieces in a constellation of executive functions

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Fall 2018 Courses at EFS Now Open!

Fall is just around the corner! We are now accepting registration for our upcoming courses. Our professional courses are hosted online, and are available for optional credit from Seattle Pacific University.

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The Difference Between a Dream and a Plan

Those who struggle to create and execute planning (also known as future thinking) often have executive function deficits. Everyone has dreams, but without the ability to see, plan and actualize the required

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Executive Funtioning Tip #6: View the Future, a Month at a Time

(Tip #6 of the series 15 Tips to Support Your Brain for Good Time Management, updated 2018) Just like we need an analog clock to see the future space of time, we need to be able to look ahead to see our

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Celebrating Our Executive Functions

Executive Functioning Success in its 8th year, and if I have learned anything, it is that running a business requires a LOT of strong executive function skills! Last week during our staff meeting, where

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Who Do You Want to Grow Up to Be?

I will be 65 this summer, and I want to grow up to be my mother-in-law, Selma. I have just returned from a family gathering to honor her 90th birthday. Just about the whole Sklar clan came together for

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