The holidays are fully upon us with all the joys, expectations, and yes, demands upon our limited time and resources. There is so much to plan for. So much to do. Sigh. ...
Years ago, I had a client who was very committed to understanding his brain and its connection to his behavior.Before we ever met, he told me that he had bought the Seeing ...
Way back in 2009, a local neuropsychologist referred to me as an expert in teaching executive functioning skills. I paused and thought, “I am? What are executive functions?” I’d never heard the ...
Last month we announced a new service for college students, helping them with their Set Up Success college planners. In response to that announcement, a dear woman I know emailed me and ...
Often people are divided into two categories when it comes to executive function skills: You either have them or you don’t. From my perspective that is an oversimplification because there are certain ...
Oh August! It is still summer BUT school looms in the not-too-distant horizon. For students with executive function challenges (and their parents!) there can be an underlying anxiety about facing a new ...
Ahh, summer…Time to loosen up on executive functions and enjoy life, right? The problem is, when we loosen up TOO much, we let our time slip away. The end result is that ...
Activating the executive functioning system of the brain requires constant effort and energy. Why?Because we have to actively make choices throughout the day to prioritize tasks, sustain attention, manage distractions and muster ...
For people with executive function challenges and/or ADHD, cooking a meal from scratch can feel like scaling a cliff. That’s because there are many executive functions required to make a meal! Planning ...
Challenges with the executive function skills of planning and prioritizing - otherwise known as future thinking - cause so much pain. This is one of the primary motivators for people to enroll ...
Humans are social creatures. Research has shown that solid relationships with others help us to be happier and even live longer. Apparently, it even supports our immune systems!However, making and maintaining friendships ...
I have probably said this before, but I will say it again: Your choice of words, both spoken and written, have a powerful effect on your executive functioning. This is especially true ...
Oh, how we all love to start fresh with a new year. We can let go of our past executive functioning challenges and imagine a new beginning, proclaiming: “This is the year ...
'Tis the season! Winter is upon us and as usual, the hectic holiday season can easily overwhelm our executive functioning. Unless you are someone who sighs with relief when the rain returns ...
Our clients, who struggle with executive functioning, come in a wide range of ages and stages in life: students, wage-earners and retirees with very diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. And they have ...