Tag Archives for " time management "

Three Activities to Ease into Fall Executive Functioning 

Bringing up the “end of summer” topic can feel pretty unwelcome. Who wants to leave behind days of summer adventures and chilling out? Not me! But we all know that the transition is sneaking

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How Executive Functioning Changes the Trajectory of Life

When I got into this world of teaching executive functioning skills (way back before the term even existed), I thought I would spend my time helping bright 6th graders who were struggling with the transition

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Executive Functioning Tip #5: Digital Clocks versus Analog Clocks

(Tip #5 of the series 15 Tips to Support Your Brain for Good Time Management), updated August 30, 2022 Today it’s hard to imagine that waaaaaaay back, around 1982, the digital clock was hot new technology.

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How to Teach Executive Functions: The BCE Method

I recently watched a Learning and the Brain webinar, taught by the team of Jack Naglieri and Kathleen Kryza. The topic was, unsurprisingly, executive functioning. I confess, it took some effort to sign

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6 Strategies to Build a Solid Executive Function Foundation

As I work with clients on time management, many are overwhelmed by the demands on their lives. They feel stuck – like they are in a downward spiral. Their brains and bodies are cracking under the

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Routines Lighten the Load for your Brain’s Executive Functioning

Many of my clients, especially those with ADHD, have such a hard time getting started in the mornings. Their internal voice is giving them a huge list of To-Dos, and whatever comes into sight around them

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Executive Funtioning Tip #6: View the Future, a Month at a Time

(Tip #6 of the series 15 Tips to Support Your Brain for Good Time Management, updated 2018) Just like we need an analog clock to see the future space of time, we need to be able to look ahead to see our

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Executive Functioning Tip #2: Plan to Carry a Planner; Paper vs. Technology

(Tip #2 of the series 15 Tips to Support Your Brain for Good Time Management) Let’s talk about the executive functioning challenges of using computers and smart phones as effective time management

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Executive Functioning Tip #1: Get a Picture of Your Whole Life for the Whole Week

(Tip #1 of the series 15 Tips to Support Your Brain for Good Time Management) A brain that lacks the executive functioning skills of time management, planning, and prioritizing creates a life full of stress,

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The Joy of Teaching Executive Functions

These last two weeks of August I am working seven to eight hours a day, face-to-face, with individual families. I teach the fundamentals of the executive functions of time management and organization.

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