Tag Archives for " Cognitive control "

12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #5 Task Initiation

Over the last couple of months of this 12-part Executive Function Spotlight Series, I’ve focused on planning and prioritization, key executive functions underlying the capacity for future thinking,

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12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #4 Prioritization

In January, many of you sat down and wrote personal goals for 2024, which is the first activity in your Seeing My Time® planner system. Identifying your goals and evaluating their achievability is the

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12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #2 Goal-Directed Persistence

Years ago, I had a client who was very committed to understanding his brain and its connection to his behavior. Before we ever met, he told me that he had bought the Seeing My Time Instructor’s Manual

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12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #1 Metacognition

Way back in 2009, a local neuropsychologist referred to me as an expert in teaching executive functioning skills. I paused and thought, “I am? What are executive functions?” I’d never heard the term.

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