We at Executive Functioning Success have officially made an exciting transition. At age 71, I am passing the baton of ownership and leadership to a wonderful woman, friend and colleague, Julie Miller. ...
One of the hallmark symptoms for most people who struggle with executive functions is a lack of awareness of the passing of time. This is often described as being “time blind.” I ...
Ahh… January. The major demands on my executive functioning due to the holidays are over. Whew. I actually love January because, despite the weather, it offers me the promise of a new ...
Ahh…’Tis the season of peace, joy and togetherness…and executive functioning challenges. During this winter season, the days are shorter, darker and colder. In the northern hemisphere, our brains naturally want to go ...
Continuing with our series delving into the 12 Executive Function Skills of the Brain, I want to highlight one very challenging bugaboo for many, especially those with ADHD: the EF skill of ...
We have to organize many things in life: our thoughts, our time, our stuff. Sorting through thoughts and feelings relates to the executive function of Metacognition. Organizing your time falls under the topic ...
Have you ever found yourself entering a room, and then pausing to ask yourself, “Why did I come in here?”This common situation is an example of the limitations of working memory, an ...
Do you constantly run out of time when you start tasks? Are you surprised when things take you a lot longer than you anticipated? If so, you are probably aware that your ...
Sustained attention, or the ability to stay focused on a task, is an executive function that people seem to, well… focus on! Adult clients tell me that they need to improve their ...
When I started my business back in around 2010, it amazed me that there were no singular and agreed-upon definitions for the individual executive functions of the brain. While research and understanding ...
Here is my favorite quote at the moment: “Expectations are predetermined disappointments.” Kind of brutal but so true – especially in my experience with folks struggling with executive functioning. Unrealistic expectations are ...
The sixth in our series highlighting specific executive functioning skills will focus on one not typically highlighted: flexibility. I’m not talking about yoga flexibility; I am referring to mental flexibility. This is ...
Over the last couple of months of this 12-part Executive Function Spotlight Series, I’ve focused on planning and prioritization, key executive functions underlying the capacity for future thinking, which are required for ...
In January, many of you sat down and wrote personal goals for 2024, which is the first activity in your Seeing My Time® planner system. Identifying your goals and evaluating their achievability ...
Happy New Year! It’s the perfect time to explore the next in our series of highlighted executive functioning skills: planning. The natural ability to plan requires having a brain that can think ...