May 24, 2017


While my brain has executive functioning challenges, I have never let that stop me from being an avid learner. I am ALWAYS learning things!

In a recent conversation with my daughter, who was pondering the issue of satisfaction with life, I suggested she take a class in something brand new.

I rattled off a quick list of classes I’d completed that, upon reflection, amazed me.

I once took an automotive repair class so I could do a tune up on my 1971 VW Bug. I have taken courses in astronomy, tailoring, book binding, calligraphy, pine needle basketry, grant writing, managing volunteers, bird identification, basic lighting for video production, online marketing and dozens of cooking classes from traditional boiled bagels to exotic chocolate desserts.

That is not a complete list. Nor does it include all of the courses I have taken on education topics and understanding the brain and executive functions!

I explained to my daughter that NONE of these experiences were wasted. They all enriched my life. I constantly use bits of knowledge I have gleaned over the years. That knowledge has become the fabric of who I am. They are the foundation for a life that I have found to be very satisfying.

My current “learning” has been focused on DIY video production.

We are launching version 2.0 of our class for teachers: Building Executive Function Skills in the Classroom. We have a new state of the art online learning platform to display video lectures carefully designed to maximize learning about executive functions in the classroom.

We have set up our video production studio at the office. However, we have been troubleshooting all manner of issues: lighting, background, using a video camera and downloading digital footage for video editing!

And oh, yes, sound. Sound recording is a science and a bit overwhelming. (My son told me that it is all about math, which explains a bit of why I struggle with it.)

However, thanks to the amazing web, in the past week I have learned an incredible amount about recording sound. It is fascinating what the pros can do. I find myself listening more to the sound details of video programs than the visual aspects! It has been quite a learning process. It has been fun and will be very exciting when these videos are all uploaded into our new online classroom.

If you are a teacher, we invite you to become an inspired learner and take our class.

If you aren’t a teacher, I bet you know at least one. Share a link with them. The course is invigorating and recharging teachers. It changes the lives of teachers and their students.

My daughter texted yesterday that she has decided to take a basic coding class, just to see if she likes it. It might come in handy and give her more employment options in the future. It will certainly change how she views the technology she uses every day.

What class will you sign up for to enrich your life, to build satisfaction? Let us know.

Have fun!


PS: There is a huge side benefit to learning new things. The deep thinking required to learn new concepts and skills is good for your brain’s executive function health!

The recording studio is all set up here at EFS headquarters!

About the author 

Marydee Sklar

Marydee Sklar is the creator of the Seeing My Time Program® and the Set Up Success and Seeing My Time® planners. She is an educator, speaker, and author of three books on executive functions. Marydee has more than twenty-nine years of experience working with students and adults with executive function challenges.

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