Oh summer! I just returned from an EFS retreat at the beautiful Oregon Coast with my administrative team, Kathleen and Veronica. This was our first reunion since we were all fully vaccinated, ...
I have been thinking a lot lately about the executive functions required for the management of a home, especially related to home projects. When parents join their students for a Seeing My ...
As part of my online training course for professionals, the Teaching the Seeing My Time Program, I offer two live Q&A sessions. I love this opportunity to address participants' questions about teaching ...
At 67, I tell my new Seeing My Time clients that the reason I keep working is that I’m having too much fun teaching the course to stop! It is such a ...
As I look out my window at a gray Portland sky, it seems to mirror how many people are feeling in general these days. After an exhausting 2020, people are still struggling ...
Many of my clients, especially those with ADHD, have such a hard time getting started in the mornings. Their internal voice is giving them a huge list of To-Dos, and whatever comes ...
I have always loved the beginning of a new year. And like many of you, this year I am especially ready to begin afresh! I have my new Seeing My Time planner ...
The holiday season always challenges our brain’s executive functioning. And the stress and uncertainty that 2020 has brought into our lives has only increased the demands pushing many of us to the ...
The other day, I realized that I’ve been writing about executive functions for over ten years! What amazes me is that I keep coming up with new topics. For inspiration, I look ...
The multiple stressors of 2020 have been challenging everyone’s executive functioning. So much negative news coupled with personal challenges have overwhelmed our brains. My poor brain was REALLY looking forward to my ...
Do you feel out of sync returning home after a recent vacation? Or perhaps dreading the end of summer as you face heading back to school and work? Transition times like these ...
Have you turned off or toned down your executive functioning this summer as you searched for “normal?” After our COVID-19 spring, I certainly have. My brain has needed to chill as much ...
If there was ever a time to use a paper planner to support executive functioning, this is it. I am specifically referring to the executive functions of planning and prioritization, which I ...
These have been excruciatingly painful times as we face the racial injustices in our country. Our nation is in serious need of healing on so many levels, and yet I have hope ...
Are you feeling more demands on your executive functions these days? You are not alone.Adjusting to sheltering in place for over a month has stretched us all thin. We try to stay ...