September 28, 2022

Mondays with Marydee (Blog Banner)

At the core of my soul, I am a creative being. As my very first team member, Madeline, once wisely observed, “Marydee, you are not happy unless you are making something.”

But prior to the age of 40, my poor executive function skills got in the way of my creativity.

I had projects all over my house, yet very few got completed. As a result, back in those days, I described myself as “an under-achieving procrastinator”. High on dreams but low on delivery.

Thankfully all of that is behind me. It was a wonderful change when I figured out how to support my time-challenged brain, which is what we share through the Seeing My Time® program. I have had so much fun (and worked hard) to build a business that helps people overcome executive functioning weaknesses.

My entire dear team has found satisfaction and purpose in experiencing the powerful impact of our work. It motivates us all to keep learning, dreaming, and pushing the limits of our individual and collective comfort zones. My affectionate term for EFS is my “sandbox” where I like to play. And I like to invite people to come and play with me in our sandbox!

The latest wonderful person to officially join the EFS staff is Julie Miller. She LOVES to play and we love having her enthusiasm and experience. She is quickly becoming indispensable. So what am I creating these days?

Mondays with Marydee!

Marydee Sklar of Executive Functioning SuccessYou see, I truly enjoy the wonderful people who have taken our professional courses and embrace the curriculum and content of the Seeing My Time® program. I have met so many professionals during our courses’ live Q&A sessions that happen twice a term. And I want to keep supporting them.

Mondays with Marydee will be a way to do that, live via zoom, six months out of the year. Over the last couple of years, I have held monthly mentoring sessions for a couple of people, like Julie, to help them to become more confident and comfortable teaching Seeing My Time®. As we discuss their clients and challenges, I am able to share my experience, support and tips that have never been officially recorded or written down. Those mentoring sessions are so valuable for them, and for me, that I wanted to present the opportunity for others to join us.

I also want to preserve and share those bits and pieces of knowledge that I add to my Private Seeing My Time Sessions, which can make such a difference for struggling clients. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for some time, so this course will make me accountable to create a documented record of that work. If I make a commitment to write down this information for others, it will happen! Otherwise…gardening and a new grandchild might get in the way and I’ll retire without that valuable documentation. When you join us, we will support you to be accountable to grow, learn, and reach your dreams using the Seeing My Time curriculum and the foundations of Building Executive Function Skills in the Classroom.

Who Should Join this Mentoring Program

Mondays with Marydee is not for everyone. We are looking for a select few who meet a specific set of criteria!

In order to join us, we require you to be a recent graduate of either one of our online professional courses: Teaching the Seeing My Time® Program or Building Executive Functioning Skills in the Classroom. These courses will be referenced heavily and prior background knowledge of the curricula will be imperative to your success.

Private practitioners and coaches will gain commitment to expand the use of Seeing My Time® in your professional setting to effectively help those with EF challenges.
Educators will gain commitment to become a school leader to champion explicitly teaching executive function skills at all grade levels to all students
Individuals who are enthusiastically ready to commit their time and resources to use Marydee will gain and a like-minded community, for accountability support to build their professional knowledge, reach and impact.

If this sounds like a sandbox you would like to join, we would be thrilled to have you come and play with us! You can register here. Regardless, take a moment and consider what personal goal you would like to pursue this fall. Make a plan to make it happen.

Little by little we all grow and bloom, no matter the age!


About the author 

Marydee Sklar

Marydee Sklar is the creator of the Seeing My Time Program® and the Set Up Success and Seeing My Time® planners. She is an educator, speaker, and author of three books on executive functions. Marydee has more than twenty-nine years of experience working with students and adults with executive function challenges.

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