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October 16, 2010

Upcoming Presentations at EFS

October 23, 2010

Association of Educational Therapists 32nd Annual Conference, Berkeley, California

Title: Teaching Executive Functioning Skills: Time Management Tools for Students

Time: 90 minutes

Goal: Learn how to teach externalize time management strategies using practical, hands-on, visual methods to support behavior change.

October 30, 2010

Oregon Counseling Association 2010 Annual Fall Conference, Silverton, Oregon

Title: Counseling and Executive Functioning Skills: Time Management Tools for You and Your Clients

Time: 2 hours

Goal: : To develop an understanding of the executive functioning skills of the brain and connect these skills to strategies to support improved time management skills.


About the author 

Marydee Sklar

Marydee Sklar is the creator of the Seeing My Time Program® and the Set Up Success and Seeing My Time® planners. She is an educator, speaker, and author of three books on executive functions. Marydee has more than twenty-nine years of experience working with students and adults with executive function challenges.

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