August 25, 2010

Upcoming Presentations at EFS

Teacher in-service for staff K-12.

Title: Introduction to Executive Functioning Skills

Time: 2 hours

Goal: To develop an understanding of the executive functioning skills of the brain and connect these skills to classroom activities.

Title: Teaching Executive Skills: Time Management and Paper Organization

Time: 4 hours


  1. Describe the origin of the emotional barriers to getting schoolwork completed on time.
  2. Explain why it is necessary to use external visual tools to support the development of time-management skills.
  3. Demonstrate how to use tools and strategies to plan time for homework, understand the scope of a project assignment, break it down into steps and plan the time to do a project.
  4. Describe the components of a useful school binder.

About the author 

Marydee Sklar

Marydee Sklar is the creator of the Seeing My Time Program® and the Set Up Success and Seeing My Time® planners. She is an educator, speaker, and author of three books on executive functions. Marydee has more than twenty-nine years of experience working with students and adults with executive function challenges.

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