July 2, 2021

Oregon Coast Retreat

Oh summer! I just returned from an EFS retreat at the beautiful Oregon Coast with my administrative team, Kathleen and Veronica. This was our first reunion since we were all fully vaccinated, so the first order of business was a big group hug! It brought tears to our eyes. During our three-day stay, we walked the beach, soaked in the hot tub and ate really really well. And yes, we shared lots of life stories.

Marydee and Kathleen Planning for the Future with our Seeing My Time Planners!While this trip was meant to be restorative, we also managed to spend some time actively planning the next 18 months of life at Executive Functioning Success. Yup, we were practicing what we teach, using our planners to look ahead a whole year and a half. Taking this time to determine dates for courses and planner production allowed us to analyze our choices for balancing offerings and streamlining our workflow for efficiency.

Planning for the Audacious

Using our Seeing My Time planners with two full-year calendars made seeing the future easy.

As we powered through our planning session, we started to set dates for our next EFS annual retreat. Since Veronica is moving to France, it seemed perfectly logical to have our next meeting in France!

As we talked through this seemingly audacious idea, we analyzed the challenges and brainstormed solutions. We each left the table with an action item to accomplish to see if we could make this happen. In the final unit of the Seeing My Time course, I challenge participants to dream, to think big about their future. And here we are, fulfilling that goal!

As you unwind this summer, on the beach or under a shady tree, get out your planner and dream of some future goals. That’s the first step to making them happen.

Happy dreaming and planning!

PS: Be sure to write in pencil as you are planning. If we have learned anything during the pandemic, it is the need to be flexible with plans!

About the author 

Marydee Sklar

Marydee Sklar is the president of Executive Functioning Success and the creator of the Seeing My Time Program® and the Set Up Success and Seeing My Time® planners. She is an educator and author of three books on executive functions, as well as a trainer and speaker. Marydee has more than twenty-five years of experience working with students and adults with executive function challenges.

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