Do your students struggle to keep track of their assignments? Is your house a maze of piles? Do you hustle and hustle and always end up late?
During the Seeing My Time Group Course, Marydee Sklar will introduce you to the brain’s executive function and help you understand WHY you struggle. The course will arm you with an array of concrete, visual time-management tools, interwoven with hands-on exercises and reflections that build self-awareness, the key to sustaining long term change.
Each participant receives a personal copy of the Seeing My Time workbook.
Group Course Dates:
Seven Tuesdays 7:00-8:30pm
October 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, November 5 & 19, 2010
Multnomah Arts Center, Room 29
7688 SW Capitol Hwy Portland, OR 97219
$380/family, includes books and materials
Please consider joining us!