Home Executive Functioning Success


Build Executive Function Skills

Teach and learn the executive functions of time management, planning and organization

For Families and Individuals

For Families and Individuals

private session for families

Private Sessions for Families


Private Session for Families

Private Session for Families

Private Session for Families

Private Session for Families

Private Session For Adults

Private Session for Adults
and College Students

Family Group Sessions

Family Group Sessions

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For Teachers and Professionals

Teaching Seeing My Time

Teaching Seeing My Time

Building Executive Functioning Skills in the Classroom

Building Executive Function
Skills in the Classroom

Presentations for Schools

Presentations for Schools

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EFS Monthly Newsletters

When you sign up for the EFS monthly newsletters,
you receive two downloadable PDFs

  • A Quick Tip Into Your Child's Brain
  • The Time Scientist
Professional Training Course

Thank you for an extremely valuable eight weeks with Seeing My Time! You have created a program that offers an incredible amount of information that can change lives. Thank you for dedicating yourself to sharing that information and helping others to spread it. I'm excited about moving forward and reaching more people.

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ADHD Coach

Check Our Latest Posts

12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #6: Mental Flexility
The sixth in our series highlighting specific executive functioning skills will focus on one not typically highlighted: flexibility. I’m not[...]
12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #5 Task Initiation
Over the last couple of months of this 12-part Executive Function Spotlight Series, I've focused on planning and prioritization, key[...]
12 Executive Functions of the Brain Spotlight: #4 Prioritization
In January, many of you sat down and wrote personal goals for 2024, which is the first activity in your[...]

"Marydee was great and we all got so much out of this training! We
can't beleive how many strategies we learned that we still use."

-Carla, Learning Specialist
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