Executive Functioning Success LogoExecutive Functioning Success Logo

Learn About the Executive Functions of the Brain with

Presentations and Workshops
for Educators and Parents 

Does your teaching staff struggle with executive function challenged students or with their own time management? Are parents asking for help supporting their kids executive functions at home? If so, they may be coping with the following issues:

  • Missing or incomplete schoolwork
  • Struggling to follow directions and stay on task
  • Messy desks, bags and paper piles
  • Stressed, tired or overwhelmed student
  • Behavioral issues related to emotional or impulse control

Our Presentations Will Help Your Staff or Parents to:

  • Develop a clear understanding of executive functions and how they affect classroom behavior and academic success
  • Evaluate executive functioning strengths and weaknesses
  • Analyze which brain functions are required to independently complete seatwork and homework
  • Learn exercises to calm the brain under stress
  • Choose specific, concrete strategies and tools to support students' time management 

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About Our Time Management Educators

Our team of time-management educators have many years of experience with professional development presentations and presentations for parents.

Julie Miller has been educating families for over 25 years.  With Seeing My Time®, she has blended her two areas of passion, brain development and education. A graduate from the University of Oregon, she works closely with families through workshops and private sessions. Julie has created and presented information on various topics including Conflict Resolution, Coaching Behavior, and Teaching Executive Functioning in Preschool and the Primary Grades. 

Marydee Sklar has helped families and individuals overcome struggles with time management for over 29 years. She teaches workshops on executive functions for professional and school communities. She is the creator of the Seeing My Time® Course and planner, Set Up Success® student planners, and is the  author of Seeing My Time® books and 50 Tips to Help Students Succeed. She lives in Portland, Oregon.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What technology is required for an online presentation?

Is there a limit to how many people can attend?

What technology is required for the in-person presentation?

Do you provide classes for teachers who would like to procure additional professional development training?

What People Are Saying:

My name is Claudia Ruf and I am the principal at Glencoe High School in Hillsboro, Oregon.

We invited Marydee to speak to all of our teachers during a recent Professional Development day. Teachers are still talking about what they learned, and you could feel the energy in the room.

These are some of the comments sent to me from staff after her visit:

"The information on executive functioning really makes me think about the demands placed on students and what else we may need to pre-teach before expecting certain outcomes."

"Executive Functioning specifics and its impact within the classroom was by far my favorite part of the day."

"The science of the brain tells us that there is a way we present information to the students and a way to react to discipline situations that could be more effective."

I highly recommend her training. Having teachers learn about executive functioning and time management for students will best help us serve the individual needs of all our students.

Claudia Ruff

Principal, Glencoe High School

Marydee's training has revolutionized my approach to teaching and opened a new door of compassion for how the adolescent brain operates. Her Introduction to Building Executive Function Skills in the Classroom presentation is the BEST academic training I've attended in my 20 years in the field of teaching. I left the presentation with concrete tools to help students build executive functioning skills. These tools are easy to implement and really do work!

Julie Hancock

Classroom teacher, Hillsboro School District

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for spending the day with us.  I am generally a "meeting doodler".  I was so interested in your workshop that there is not one doodle in the margins.  I can't remember that ever happening before.



Clinic Director, Article 16 Clinic

During the Tips to Help Students Succeed presentation, I saw several kids sitting near me. They looked like they were "dragged in by mom and dad." After she started, they leaned forward and listened intently. The teacher in me smiled. She certainly had something for everyone. Even the kids there felt validated. Now, that's a good teacher!


Jane Ray

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